Sivatha Boulevard
Tel.: (+855) 092 355 811
I have a confession to make: I think there are way too many Korean tour groups in Siem Reap at the moment. They come in huge hordes, do not care about anyone else (do not make the mistake of getting between a large Korean group and the luggage belt at the airport; you will be squashed like a bug); and their bloody buses block every street in town.
Above statement may not be politically correct; good thing I don't live in the US, Australia, UK or anywhere else where PC has gone completely overboard and I honestly do not give a toss if it i PC or not.
OK, with my rant out of the way, on to the food:
Go straight for the top left page if you want great value for money.
I am a big fan of Korean food and I am particularily fond of the numerous appetizers. I also like the barbecued meat and as such the Dae Bak ranks highly on my list of favorite restaurants in Siem Reap.
The restaurant itself is little more than a hole-in-the-wall on Sivatha Boulevard; next to VLK Royal Tourism and near Angkor Market. Pay attention boys and girls: there is another Korean restaurant right next to it, which is dire. Head for the one that has the grills out front (with the owner often personally doing duty on those).

Very popular with both visiting and expatriate Koreans;
surely a good sign.
The interior is not much to write home about. Maybe not as bad as in the North Korean restaurant but obviously loving decor comes way after the serious business of good food. Likewise the service: it is fast and efficient; do not expect any pleasantries being exchanged, a rare smile is the most you can hope for.

The "Banchan" (side dishes) alone are worth
a visit.
The restaurant always offers a little treat: either a baked sweet potato as a starter (do not finish it; there is plenty more food on the way) or a Korean sweet as dessert. A small but appreciated gesture I find, and something many restaurant owners should take note of. Within minutes there will be a whole array of "Banchan" or side dishes on the table, from the ubiquitous Kimchi to small omelets with herbs to Tofu soup and a bowl of rice; plenty to sink your teeth into.

Great stuff.
The menu is actually fairly large with mains going for anywhere between 15.00 to 25.00 and the small bottle of So-Ju priced at USD 4.00. The best value-for-money meal has to be the barbecued pork belly though: a table full of food at USD 5.00 all in!!!! If you are looking for a cheap and good feed then there can be few restaurants in Siem Reap that offer a better deal.....
Food: ****
Ambience: It's all about the food here
Value for money: **************
Recommended: Yes
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